Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Ben Yujeco - Prissie Ngan Wedding

Benedict Yujeco - Prissie Ngan
Church: The Basílica Menor de San Sebastián,
Plaza Del Carmen, Metro Manila
Official Photographer: RV Mitra

*Flowers for the Entourage*

Blush-Gold-Glam-Romantic.From the color scheme, dress details to the high Gothic revival architecture of  The Basílica Menor de San Sebastián, the wedding was indeed a romantic glam. After all during our History class, we both love the period of Gothic Architecture. Known for her infectious laugh and bubbly personality, Prissie is one heck of  beauty and brains. I know that for sure because we were friends since college. 

I first met Ben through a photo, that was sent to me by Prissie. Ben is one funny person which complements Prisie's bubbliness. A perfect match I would say.

Prissie specifically requested that she wanted her bouquet to be in shades of the colors of the year: Rose quartz and Serenity.

Sharing you below some photos we took but mostly from the couple's official photographer  RV Mitra . 

Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra

Photo by RV Mitra

Photo by RV Mitra

Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra

Photo by RV Mitra

Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra
Photo by RV Mitra

Ben & Prissie,

Congratulations  & Best Wishes!


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